
Zenlet 2│Series ─Most Elegant Aluminum Quick Access Wallets.

Created by ZENLET

Fans out cards at slide-opening. The one and only flexible RFID blocking wallet. With 3 different Designs to meet all your needs.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

60% surveys have been done. Thanks for your quick response!
over 7 years ago – Mon, Jul 24, 2017 at 07:23:33 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

Thanks to 2,202 Backers we made it!!! A Quick Update to you!
over 7 years ago – Mon, Jun 12, 2017 at 08:03:50 PM

Hi awesome backers,

Our Zenlet 2 Series campaign has finally ended! 2,202 people contributed to our campaign and we could not be more grateful for that! Thanks to you all to join the journey of creating the aluminum Zenlet with us! Together, we are making this dream come true!


Zenlet 2 系列的 Kickstarter 群眾募資階段在此告一段落,非常感謝 2,202 位贊助者對我們的支持!因為有您的參與,讓我們想設計一款鋁合金 ZENLET 行動錢包的夢想得以實現!


So, what’s next?

At this moment we’re discussing with Backerkit which is a professional platform for designing and spreading the survey also managing post-campaign pledge. If it goes well we will send you out a survey via Backerkit within the next 2-3 weeks. The survey will be open for more than a month. In the survey you will be able to indicate reward details, for example wallets, colors and add-ons you want. If you have chosen the printed customization you will also be able to upload your desired picture there. Meanwhile, you can add more wallets and add-ons on Backerkit. Again we thank you all so much for your support! Enjoy the upcoming weekend!



我們正與 Backerkit 接洽;一個專門處理 Kickstarter 募資結束後,調查問卷設計、發送與贊助金額管理的平台。透過這個平台,您將會在接下來的兩到三週之間收到問卷,且您將有超過一個月的時間填寫。問卷中會向您詢問所有的回饋品項細節,例如:款式、顏色、加購項目。如果您有選擇客製化方案,也會讓您透過此平台上傳圖片與文字。同時,您更可以透過這個平台額外加購錢包與升級!再次感謝您對 ZENLET 的支持與贊助!


60 Hours to go! Some Great Customized Wallets for your inspiration & Sneak Peek at the New Package Design!
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Jun 08, 2017 at 11:13:24 PM

Hi awesome backers,


We hope you all had a great weekend! Thanks to your help we have reached so far more than 1000% of our goal and there are still 60 hours left till the end of our campaign! We are so happy to share the excitement with you!

Since we have received many questions asking how the Customized Printing Illustration works, we decided to give you some examples of what you can do with it. They are also available for you if you want to choose. Just add $30 to your pledge amount and you can customize your own!



Here is how it works:

1. Choose one of your favourite pictures
2. The picture must be bigger than 815 x 1228 pixels & 1MB.
3. Later you will receive a survey from the ZENLET Team, please upload the picture to a provided link and the one and only wallet will soon be manufactured!


Furthermore, we want to share with you the design of our new package for Zenlet 2 Series! The simple and elegant design not only looks great but will also make sure that your Zenlet arrives to you safe. We cannot wait to send it to you all!


We hope we can still reach the 2000 backers stretch goal before the end of our campaign, which would unlock the Free Color-Matching. We need you to give us a hand. Please help us spread Zenlet 2 campaign with your friends to unlock it!




Thanks for your support! 




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24 Hours Countdown! Last Chance to get Your KS Limited Editions with Special Price!
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Jun 08, 2017 at 11:10:39 PM

Hi awesome backers!

Counting down last 24 hours....and we are super excited and proud that we have reached our 4th Stretch Goal with more than 2000 backers✨! We want to thank you all so much for supporting Zenlet 2 Series.   


Reaching the stretch goal means that the Free Color-Matching has now been unlocked! For Zenlet 2 and 2+ you can have now 2 different colors on the front and back of the wallet (this includes the gradient colors from the 1st stretch goal as well as the Blue color you have chosen after the 3rd stretch goal has been unlocked).  


What very cool is...all the Stretch Goals are unlocked! Now you can enjoy designing all the 4 models Zenlet 2/ 2+/AL/AL+ to make your wallet the most unique one!  

As you probably know we are in our last 24 hours on Kickstarter. This means it is your last chance to take advantage of the Kickstarter pricing. If you were considering adding the limited edition wallet for yourself or your loved ones do grab the chance and adjust your pledge HERE.

We thank you so much for your support so far!




Special ADD-ONs Here!
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Jun 08, 2017 at 08:55:21 AM

Hi awesome backers! 

Happy weekend!
We have received a lot of messages and suggestions to tell us that you wish to own a Zenlet 2/2+ with abundant materials. After several evaluations and plans, ZENLET is going to provide two special Add-ons for your Zenlet 2/2+ —Wooden & Carbon Fiber Special Edition!

[Wooden Special Edition]
You can upgrade your wallet from PC front panel to real wooden. What’s awesome is, the wood grain of each panel will be different, you will own an only for you Zenlet 2/2+! (Add $32 USD to upgrade)


[Carbon Fiber Special Edition]
You can upgrade your wallet from PC front panel to carbon fiber. We will use the process of mixing carbon and Kevlar fiber for the panel. To remain the sensing card readable while elevating the quality. (Add $40 USD to upgrade)  

*Please note the customization is not available for the Wooden & Carbon Fiber Edition, due to the non transparent materials .

[ZENLET Multi-Tool Card]
Moreover, we are going to introduce you ZENLET’s KITT—“ZENLET Multi-Tool Card”. To integrate the opener, ruler, wrench and a lot of useful tools together, ZENLET Multi-Tool Card can also fit in your Zenlet. Plus a ZENLET Multi-Tool Card, you are not only a minimalist, also will become Mac Gyver in your friends' eyes! (Add $10 USD for each)


Adjust the pledge amount now, upgrade your Zenlet 2/2+ to a very special edition and collect ZENLET Multi-Tool Card!

Check out HERE

*Please adjust your pledge amount directly, we will send out a survey to you after the campaign and you can indicate your add-on selections.

p.s. The upgrade plan of Zenlet AL will be announced in the later update. Stay tuned!
